Spring Garden Insights 2025
By Brian Nixon, Horticultural Manager
Spring flower bulbs are now poking through the dark nutrient-rich soil marking a start to the spring season. Soon The Gardens will be filled with vibrant coloured Tulips and Daffodils, a clear indicator that spring has arrived. The swollen flower buds on the spring flowering trees and shrubs are beginning to open up, soon to be beautiful blooms bursting with colour putting on a spectacular show. The sweet smell of Pieris (Lily-of-the valley shrub), Syringa (Lilac), Daphne odora (Winter daphne), as well as many other fragrant shrubs will drift through The Gardens, setting the stage for an unforgettable visit. Each and every corner you navigate offers a portrait so beautiful it could easily be used on a postcard!
I have to admit that spring is one of my favourite times in the garden. What’s not to like about spring? It’s the beginning of a new year (in gardening terms), and garden enthusiasts are rolling up their sleeves diving back into the garden and tackling new projects. Many indicators are letting us know that spring is developing in The Gardens right now; singing birds, pleasant outdoor temperatures, and tender new growth on many deciduous plants are all tell-tale signs that “spring is here”.
We did experience snow this past winter, and the snow ended up being more welcome than anyone may have guessed. This is because the fresh layer of snow ended up providing the budding spring flowers protection from the frigid temperatures, acting as a protective barrier and shielding tender growth from extreme temperatures and wind. Although the snow hung around longer than we anticipated, there is no doubt that it prevented cold damage to the spring flowers. Before the cold snap hit, we were becoming concerned with the tremendous amount of new growth developing on the Tulips and Daffodils as they are more susceptible to extreme temperatures. Thankfully, after the snow melted in February, our horticulture team was thrilled to report that the plants buried under the snow were looking as healthy as ever!
Exploring our many pathways throughout the spring season, you will discover so many unique and beautiful spring bulbs, flowering ornamental fruit trees, and spectacular shrubs. Perhaps you will feel adventurous and step off one of the main pathways to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of spring unravelling in some of the lesser visited places. Some of these pathways will lead you to cozy sit-ins where you can relax while enjoying the beautiful surroundings. It’s tough to predict the precise timing for our entire spring floral display, but if spring blooms are on your bucket list you won’t be disappointed visiting mid-March to late May. As we approach late May summer blooms will slowly begin taking hold in The Gardens, during this period both seasons can be enjoyed as spring slowly fades away while summer takes over. Late spring is when you can expect to see our impressive collection of Rhododendrons, one of the largest and most diverse collections in the world.
Come and see for yourself the magnificent spring floral display at The Beautiful Butchart Gardens. We look forward to welcoming you during your next visit!