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Pets are welcome at the Butchart Gardens during operating hours. When visiting The Gardens with your pet:

  • Please ensure you are fully aware of what your pet is doing at all times.
  • For the safety of all visitors and to continue to allow dogs to visit, owners must keep pets on leash and no farther than 1 meter/3 feet. Retractable leashes are not permitted.
  • Pick up after your pet so that others do not step in anything unpleasant. Waste bags are available when you enter The Gardens as well as near the Visitor Information Centre, at the Ross Fountain, and the Carousel Patio. Litter can be deposited into garbage cans designated for trash.
  • Avoid interactions with other pets to maintain the comfort and safety of all our visitors.

Owners who do not comply with this policy will be asked to leave, and continued abuse of this rule will force The Gardens to ban dogs permanently, which we do not wish to do.

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