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The Quiet of Winter

January 7 – March 31

More than a spring or summer affair, with Vancouver Island’s temperate climate, The Gardens have something to offer year-round. Enjoy the solitude winter brings, and take in the subtle beauty of our shrubs, trees, and flowers, from delicate snowdrops to lush hellebore. 

Five single jet streams of water coming from a pond at the bottom of a rocky landscape surrounded by trees on a foggy day.

Peaceful Gardens

At The Gardens, winter is in two takes: late October through November and late January through March. In the first half, we prepare for winter – and our beloved Christmas display. Greenhouse activity never seems to slow as we move out thousands of Poinsettias for Christmas décor. After Christmas, the garden sleeps while we tend to any alterations or upgrades of the landscape. 

What visitors are saying

“This is a bucket list item and it is everything I hoped for.”

“4th time and can’t wait for 5th!”

“Amazing – literally brought tears to my eyes.”

“Best place in Canada by far.”

“A privilege of a lifetime. Please thank all your staff.”

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