What’s in Bloom Now? Garden Updates March 29 – April 11


By Thea Hegland

 April 5 Update: early-blooming Tulips are starting to appear throughout The Gardens. We are expecting many more to be in bloom in late April, weather dependent.

Just when we thought winter was never going to end, spring waltzed in bringing us a glorious amount of warmth, sunshine and an abundance of flowers. All of the fretting and worrying about the spring show has been relieved by the record-breaking high temperatures that have ignited the flowers and the gardens are now bursting into bloom. The unforgettable fragrance of Daphne odora, fills the air while each day brings more flowers and surprises as the spring show comes alive.

Daphne odora

Tiny treasures such as Fritillaria meleagris and Hepatica nobilis are hidden amongst the garden beds, the perennials are beginning to emerge along the borders with interesting forms and textures, challenging us to identify each mysterious plant as it rises. Making a grand entrance, The Magnolia collection is the most impressive; with over 20 varieties amongst the many specimens here at The Gardens, these trees are covered in stunning blossoms making us all wish we had one at home.

Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer Magnolia)

Noteworthy at this time of year is our incredible collection of Narcissus (Daffodil) which is rapidly approaching prime time; some very extraordinary garden cultivars can be found here. An interesting thing about Narcissus is the classification of 13 distinct divisions with each division distinguishing the different flower forms. All varieties are commonly known as Daffodils; however, it is the classic bright yellow trumpet shaped flower that most are familiar with. The name Narcissus is derived from Greek mythology symbolizing beauty, prosperity and wealth, and perhaps most significantly, the arrival of spring. Available in a wide range of shapes and colours; many with a subtle, alluring fragrance and the best feature of all- DEER PROOF. That says it all, at least in our corner of the world!

Narcissus (Daffodil)

Plants that are currently blooming
  • Abeliophyllum distichum (White forsythia)
  • Anemone blanda (Grecian windflower)
  • Arabis
  • Aubrieta
  • Aucuba japonica (Spotted laurel)
  • Bellis (English daisy)
  • Bergenia (Elephant’s ears)
  • Camellia
  • Cercis
  • Chionodoxa (Glory of the snow)
  • Corylopsis
  • Crocus (Winter hazel)
  • Cyclamen
  • Daphne odora
  • Edgeworthia chrysantha (Paper bush)
  • Eranthis (Winter aconite)
  • Erica (Heather)
  • Fritillaria imperialis (Crown imperial)
  • Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop)
  • Hamamelis (Witch hazel)
  • Helleborus (Christmas rose)
  • Hyacinthus (Hyacinth)
  • Heptacia nobilis
  • Iberis (Candytuft)
  • Iris reticulata
  • Jasminium nudiflorum (Winter jasmine)
  • Lonicera fragrantissima (Honeysuckle)
  • Magnolia
  • Muscari
  • Myosotis (Forget -me -not)
  • Nandina domestica (Heavenly bamboo)
  • Narcissus (Daffodil)
  • Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black mondo grass)
  • Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
  • Pieris (Lily -of – the valley shrub)
  • Polyanthus (Primula)
  • Prunus (Flowering plum)
  • Pyracantha
  • Rhododendron
  • Ribes (Flowering currant)
  • Sarcococca (Christmas box)
  • Scilla (Squill)
  • Skimmia japonica
  • Tulipa (Tulip)
  • Viola