What’s in Bloom Now? Garden Updates March 8 – 14
By Thea Hegland
It seems the cold weather has decided to stay for a little while longer. This is unusual weather for us here on southern Vancouver Island – many people don’t ever recall a cold spell that has lasted this long. While some days recently have been filled with sunshine, the snow is only very slowly disappearing.
The gardeners have literally had to move snow so they can get to work in some of the flower beds. Everything is delayed… the flowers, work projects and routine garden maintenance. With the official start of spring coming quickly it is hard to picture a different scene … at least right now. Sooner or later the weather will warm up and the garden will rapidly burst into bloom and this will only be a memory, the cold winter of 2019.
Traces of snow still present in The Gardens.
Regardless of the cold temperatures, The Gardens still amaze. The elegance of a frozen pond, silent and beautiful, captures the essence of the winter garden. Birds singing in the trees are easily spotted, hardy little blossoms are prevailing despite the cooler temperatures and letting us know, it won’t be long until spring comes. For now, the Spring Prelude will have to keep us content; on through March 17th, this gorgeous indoor oasis is full of spring classics in bloom.
Inside the Spring Prelude Garden.
To offer perspective of what lies ahead outdoors in our world-renowned horticultural jewel, the spring show includes approximately 180,000 biennial plants and approximately 300, 000 bulbs; to be more specific, here is the breakdown:
- 88 varieties /80,000 of Narcissus (Daffodil) bulbs
- 185 varieties /160,000 of Tulipa (Tulip) bulbs
- 60, 000 assorted bulbs of Hyacinthus (Hyacinth), Crocus, Scilla and Muscari (Grape Hyacinth)
With such a wide range of unique and interesting Narcissus (Daffodil) and Tulipa (Tulip) there is something to pique the interest of all and question the classics we thought we knew so well.
A variety of bursting spring flowers as seen in a previous year.
While the garden is coming out of its slumber here on the west coast, our Director of Horticulture and Horticultural Manager are in Toronto now where The Gardens are represented at the annual Canada Blooms show that takes place each March. We hope that being there will inspire many people throughout Canada to make the trip out west and come and visit our magnificent garden, which is a National Historic Site of Canada.
Outside: Plants that Are Currently Blooming
- Acer palmatum dissectum (Japanese maple)
- Aucuba japonica (Spotted laurel)
- Bellis (English daisy)
- Bergenia (Elephant’s ears)
- Camellia
- Cornus mas
- Correa (Australian fuchsia)
- Cotoneaster
- Cyclamen
- Daphne odora
- Eranthis (Winter aconite)
- Erica (Heather)
- Eriobotrya japonica (Loquat)
- Galanthus (Snowdrop)
- Garrya elliptica (Silk- tassel bush)
- Hamamelis (Witch hazel)
- Helleborus (Christmas rose)
- Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)
- Jasminium nudiflorum (Winter jasmine)
- Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ (Oregon grape)
- Nandina domestica (Heavenly bamboo)
- Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black mondo grass)
- Pansy
- Pieris (Lily -of – the valley shrub)
- Polyanthus (Primula)
- Pyracantha
- Rhododendron
- Sarcococca (Christmas box)
- Skimmia japonica
- Viburnum x bodnantense
- Viburnum tinus
- Viola
Inside: Plants that are currently blooming
- Amaryllis
- Anthurium (Flamingo flower)
- Azalea
- Bromeliad
- Camellia
- Cercis
- Convallaria (Lily-of-the-valley)
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Daphne odora (Winter daphne)
- Edgeworthia chrysantha (Paper bush)
- Erica (Heather)
- Hamamelis (Witch hazel)
- Helleborus (Christmas rose)
- Iris reticulata
- Kalanchoe
- Loropetalum chinese ‘Razzleberri’
- Magnolia x soulangeana (Saucer magnolia)
- Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black mondo grass)
- Orchid
- Pachystachys lutea (Lollipop plant)
- Pieris (Lily -of – the valley shrub)
- Pinus
- Polyanthus (Primula)
- Primula denticulata (Drumstick primula)
- Prunus (Flowering plum)
- Ribes (Flowering currant)
- Sarcococca (Christmas box)
- Sciadopitys verticillate (Japanese umbrella pine)
- Skimmia japonica
- Stromanthe
- Tulipa (Tulip)
- Viburnum x bodnantense
- Viburnum tinus
- Viola