What’s in Bloom Now? Garden Updates April 15 – 30
By Thea Hegland
Springtime is here with all its glory. Cherry blossoms drift through the grounds in a palette soft pinks and pristine whites, the blossoms from the Magnolia trees have begun to fall; scattered beautifully beneath, hundreds of Rhododendron shrubs are bursting with promising buds soon to bloom. Endless beds filled with waves of Tulips, and Daffodils, all perfect and poised. Red Paeonia stalks and other curious plants, rise from the freshly cultivated earth along the many perennial borders. Leaves suddenly emerge on the deciduous trees and shrubs. The glossy green broad-leaved Camellia shrubs are now blooming profusely -The Gardens are home to nearly 40 different cultivars of these essential garden beauties in a full range of colours from soft pinks, bold reds and shades of white.
Tulips on the Residence Lawn
In the peaceful Japanese Garden, fern fronds begin to unfurl, Trillium ovatum (Coast trillium) and Erythronium revolutum (Trout lily) bloom amongst the fernery. The rare Trillium ovatum ‘Flore Pleno’ (Double trillium) lies hidden beneath the trees.
Rest assured, during this temporary closure The Gardens are being well cared for and we all look forward to welcoming visitors when the gates re-open!
A cascade of blooms in the Sunken Garden
Plants that are currently blooming
- Anemone (Grecian windflower)
- Anemonella (Rue anemone)
- Arabis
- Aubrieta
- Aucuba japonica (Spotted laurel)
- Bellis (English daisy)
- Bergenia (Elephant’s ears)
- Brunnera macrophylla
- Calluna (Scotch heather)
- Camellia
- Cardamine
- Caltha (Marsh marigold)
- Chaenomeles (Flowering Quince)
- Chionodoxa
- Cornus nuttallii (Pacific dogwood)
- Corylopsis (Winter hazel)
- Cotoneaster
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Daphne mezereum
- Daphne odora (Winter daphne)
- Epimedium (Barren wort)
- Erica (Heather)
- Erysimum (Wallflower)
- Erythronium tuolumnense (Trout lily)
- Forsythia
- Fritillaria elwesii (Fritillar)
- Fritillaria imperialis (Crown imperial)
- Fritillaria meleagris (Checkered lily)
- Galanthus nivalis (Snowdrop)
- Helleborus (Christmas rose)
- Hepatica nobilis
- Hyacinthus
- Ilex verticillata (Winterberry)
- Kerria japonica
- Leucojum (Snowflake)
- Lonicera fragrantissima (Honeysuckle)
- Lysichiton (Skunk cabbage)
- Magnolia x soulangeana
- Magnolia stellata (Star magnolia)
- Mahonia x media ‘Charity’ (Oregon grape)
- Muscari (Grape hyacinth)
- Myosotis (Forget-me-not)
- Nandina domestica (Heavenly bamboo)
- Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Ophiopogon planiscapus (Black mondo grass)
- Ornithogalum
- Polygala chamaebuxus
- Pulmonaria (Lungwort)
- Pulsatilla vulgaris (Lungwort)
- Pieris (Lily -of – the valley shrub)
- Primula (Primrose)
- Prostanthera rotundifolia (Mint bush)
- Prunus (Flowering cherry and plum)
- Ranunculus ficaria ‘Brazen Hussey’
- Rhododendron
- Ribes (Flowering currant)
- Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry)
- Scilla (Squill)
- Skimmia japonica
- Spiraea (Spirea)
- Trillium ovatum
- Tulipa
- Viburnum tinus
- Vinca (Periwinkle)
- Viola